You get what you pay for, and since Ezine articles are free, that's about what they are worth. Most of them have horrific spelling, grammar, and support. This article is so typical. Looks like he's pulled most of the text from past Watchtower press releases. And this little piece of crap is very timely: "Also, Kingdom Halls (where Witnesses meet for worship) are not owned by the headquarters or by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, but by the individual congregations, who have a great deal of autonomy in decisions of the congregation, including buying and selling of the Kingdom Hall itself, any improvements that will be made on the Kingdom Hall, times of meetings, etc. A democratic vote is taken in some decisions involving the Kingdom Hall and congregation expenses, along the lines of the aforementioned points and others, in many or most cases. Questions and comments involving such decisions are permitted by all members." Oh Yeah? Want to ask the folks at Menlo Park (CA) Kingdom Hall if this is the case. The Watchtower is not asking, but telling them what they are going to do. The Watchtower is working to get its name on their deed and supposedly is planning on selling the property - even though the local Witnesses like their Kingdom Hall just fine and don't want to move. And the locals get no say at all about what will happen to them or their Kingdom Hall. They tossed out the Hall's body of elders for taking a stand on this issue. New article tomorrow on this very subject at JV
Juan Viejo2
JoinedPosts by Juan Viejo2
by Hairyhegoat inthis guy must be mad.
please read and take his comments apart.!.
how jehovah's witnesses differ from cultsby john w. scottjohn w. scott.
Can you say plagiarism?
by Mebaqqer2 inso i ran across this statement today in doing some research:.
take, for instance, the stories and legends regarding the origin of man.
although details vary, the belief that man was made from the dust of the earth is widespread.
Juan Viejo2
Let's face it. Deep research and study of anything, history or religion, or politics, or anythng - is not something that the Watchtower Society has been known for since Russell. I've seen many examples of items that are clearly plagiarized because of word sequencing or the use of an uncommon phrase only seen by one other author.
By all means they can quote from other books, studies, and speeches. What would it hurt if they had simply stated that "Frank S. Dobbins, in his book, 'Story of the World's Worship' (1904) wrote..."
But you see, the Watchtower doesn't really believe in copyright, nor do they understand "fair use" of another published work. They're the first ones to issue a DMA complaint against somebody for copying their work - even when it clearly falls under "fair use," but they pull quotes all the time and pass it off as their original work.
Let's face it: The Watchtower - The Proud Home of the World's Greatest......Hypocrites!!!
Good Wife Guide in 1950's--Yah Right!
by blondie inthe good wife guide
have dinner ready.
plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready on time for his return from work.
Juan Viejo2
Where is the nearest hospital where you live? We'll come visit you after your wife gets done working you over. You'll need more than luck - you'll need a team of doctors...
Scratching my head over "Watching the World", March 2011 Awake. Ideas?
by Open mind inanyone familiar with the awake!
magazine knows that "watching the world" often gives little news snippets with no further analysis or spin-doctoring from the writing dept.
this is because for the jws reading it, they can do their own spin-doctoring and for any potential converts, it makes them think the awake!
Juan Viejo2
I think their "Watching the World" is a juvenile attempt to report the news, much like the "Weekly Reader" did for 3rd graders when I was in school.
This is so they can tell the R&F, "Hey, you don't need to read the New York Times, the Washington Post, or Scientific American. All the news you need to know can be found right in the latest issue of the Awake! magazine."
What's funny is that I remember these little newsbits from the Awake! from back when I was a kid. (Paraphrased):
"Report says that American automobiles are so low to the ground that they trap exhaust from cars stopped in from of them under the floor boards that seep into the passenger compartment." This was in like 1952-53 when most cars still had a very high profile, except for sports cars. Sports cars were mostly convertibles.
"Scientific studies indicate that more people may die from the side effects of the Salk vaccine then would die from polio."
There were many more like that, of course. There were some real doozies as I remember. But the JWs would accept what they read as gospel and would act accordingly. They still do...
The WT Headship Principle (tm): Did you ever REALLY buy it?
by Open mind ini believed that god was the big boss and his first-line supervisor was jesus.. .
everything beyond that got a bit shaky for me throughout my jw life.. .
but this bit, i never bought into for even an instant: the husband is the head of the wife.. .
Juan Viejo2
It's easy to buy the headship thing when you're a man.
It's also easy to buy the headship thing if you are an abusive husband or father.
It's easy to buy the headship thing if you are kissing butt at the Kingdom Hall hoping for an elder or MS appointment.
It's not easy to buy it if you see your wife as your equal (OK, maybe she can't lift some of the heavy stuff) with a right to express her opinions and suggestions.
Yes, there are times when a husband and wife or parents and children don't agree - and someone has to make a decision. The question should be asked:
Who does the decision affect the most, what do they want to do and why, and will there be negative effects on the other members of the family? Then maybe Dad steps forward, puts his foot down, and tries to enforce a decision that is best for everyone in his family.
If that doesn't work, then I guess if you're a Republican, you can always fall back on 2nd Amendment resolutions...
Human Ancestry Made Easy.
by whereami inthis video traces our migration out of africa and explains, through dna evidence, how humans colonized the world.
it is part of the made easy series of videos that show the evidence of our origins, from the big bang onwards. .
Juan Viejo2
Wait a minute! Just wait a minute! The Watchtower publications all show Adam and Eve as European White People. Ok, maybe not European, but at least they were clearly white.
Black people descended from Ham (he made fun of his father - a drunk) and his family was cursed. All of Ham's descendants were cursed with dark skin and they all migrated south from the Middle East down into Africa - not from Africa.
When Jesus came, that curse was lifted. He couldn't turn them White, like the blessed Middle Easterners and Europeans. So they remain black to this day, but they were blessed by being able to play basketball really, really well.
So I guess things evened out over time. Right?
I'm glad I was able to clear up this question for everyone...
Note to Self
by mrsjones5 inavoid abortion threads.
they're only for folks to piss on each other.
now i'm off to watch "modern family".
Juan Viejo2
Mrs. Jones --- You have a PM --- Urgent --- well not that urgent (no one's dying or anything) --- but I need you!
Can't call him father, so "This is my [dad, daddy, daddyo, papa, pops, pappy, sire, beginner, don, begetter, male parent]
by FatFreek 2005 indear question from readers .
i realize that watchtower is clear in avoiding fancy titles when it comes to people.
jesus said, "do not call anyone your father on earth".
Juan Viejo2
FF -
Likewise with my dad. "My Old Man" would have gotten me a smack on the ear in a blink of an eye. Same with calling him by his first name.
I even got the evil eye one time when I introduced him by his first name, rather than "my father, Mr. Viejo."
Can't call him father, so "This is my [dad, daddy, daddyo, papa, pops, pappy, sire, beginner, don, begetter, male parent]
by FatFreek 2005 indear question from readers .
i realize that watchtower is clear in avoiding fancy titles when it comes to people.
jesus said, "do not call anyone your father on earth".
Juan Viejo2
Good question, Len.
Well, if he's a JW, how about:
"Hey, Bro!"
"My Brother!"
Christian Head of Our Household
My Old Man
Is it just human nature to gossip or are JW's worse? Feelings are hurt....
by mamalove init is so strange how once you distance yourself from your kingdom hall and friends, that they find it necesary to discuss and contemplate your departure and put out all kinds of statements that simply are not true.. i am licking my wounds today because some kind of nasty things were said about me to a friend of mine who is df, from her ubber righteous sister.
it was via text, so it was there to read.
the thing i can't figure out is i have nothing to do with this woman.
Juan Viejo2
I remember as a kid JW back in the 1950s riding in the back seat of my mother's car and going out in service. There were always a couple of other sisters, usually one was an "Elderette," although they didn't call them that in those days, that always had some fresh gossip to share. I think they just ignored me because they thought I was too young to know what they were talking about.
I remember when a young JW couple had just been married. On their way back right after their wedding in some distant city, the plane they were in crashed and both were killed. We all went to the funeral - it was so sad.
So I'm riding in the backseat and one of these sisters leans back over the front seat (they didn't have headrests in those days) and starts sharing with everyone that she heard that the young bride was "supposedly pregnant" when she got married. She wondered if this wasn't Jehovah's punishment for them having premarital sex. I just looked out the window with a dumb stare, but I was seething inside. How could she say such a thing about someone who just died?
On other occasions she'd share stories about JWs in nearby Kingdom Halls, why the Circuit Servant was replaced, and rumors that our KH piano player, a single man in his 30s was a HOMOSEXUAL!!! Not that he was practicing anything, but has anyone else noticed that he is 35 and doesn't have a girlfriend? That kind of crap. My mom just drove the car and never joined in, but I could tell that she was both fascinated and disgusted by what the other sisters were gossiping about.